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a uacme wrapper that maybe probably doesn't suck too much


usage: nyacme [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT]

fun uacme wrapper

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to your config file (default: /etc/nyacme.toml)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        path to the certificate output directory (default: /etc/ssl/uacme)

example configuration:

post_acquire = [
	"doas service haproxy reload"

certificates = [

"ptrc.gay" = "hetzner"
"porkbunned.example" = "porkbun"
"yet.another.domain.tld" = { handler = "hetzner", secret = "this_is_a_different_secret" }

hetzner = "your_secret_goes_here"
porkbun = { apikey = "owo", secretapikey = "uwu" }

configuration options:

  • post_acquire - list of commands to be ran after a new certificate is acquired
  • certificates - list of CNs for the desired certificates (note: *.domain.tld also adds a domain.tld CN)
  • domains - dict of domains and their respective handlers (note: it is expected that a domain is also the root of the zone)
  • secrets - dict of secrets to be used by handlers; usually with the same name as handler itself
  • acme_path - string, path to your .well-known/acme-challenge/

currently implemented handlers:

  • cloudflare
  • hetzner
  • http
  • porkbun (with secrets apikey and secretapikey, see example config)
  • he ( hurricane electric )